Video: Resolution passed not to welcome new CJ

The Bar Association of Sri Lanka (BASL), during their special general meeting this morning passed three resolutions including one to refrain from officially welcoming any new Chief Justice appointed on the basis of a vacancy created by wrongful impeachment, BASL President Wijeyadasa Rajapaksa said.

Speaking at a media briefing held following the BASL meeting this morning, Mr. Rajapakshe also announced the two other resolutions, which he stated were unanimously passed during the meeting held today.

Among the other two resolutions passed at the BASL meeting today are:
•    In consideration of the  speech made by the President on December 11, in which he stated the Parliamentary Special Committee report of the impeachment against the Chief Justice will be evaluated through an independent committee, we  urge the President to reconsider the impeachment motion

•    In the event where the President, the Speaker or the MPs who are signatories to the impeachment motion decide to proceed with it further, we urge them to take necessary measures to formulate and enact procedural laws with regard to the removal of judges of the superior courts while guaranteeing a fair trial that adheres to principals of natural justice before further proceedings are taken on the said impeachment.

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