SL briefs UNHRC on Aluthgama violence

Sri Lanka on Friday briefed the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) of the measures that have been implemented by the government to prevent further deterioration of the situation and to bring back normalcy to the areas affected by the communal violence in the Aluthgama area.
Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva, Ms. Manisha Gunasekera exercising a Right of Reply in response to references made by Germany, Norway and Canada during the General Debate referred to the investigations initiated by the CID and the Colombo Crimes Division (CCD) as well as the visits of the President and Prime Minister to the affected areas among the steps that have already been implemented by the government to tackle the situation that developed in Aluthgama and Beruwala on Sunday.
Upon describing the events that led to the violence, which erupted in Aluthgama and Beruwala on Sunday, Ms. Gunasekera said during meeting between the President and religious and community leaders on June 18, both Muslim and Buddhist leaders have agreed to undertake and support programs to promote inter-religious harmony.
Speaking further, she informed the Council, “The Government does not condone any acts of violence against any religious or ethnic community. In all instances where credible information relating to incidents has been available, the Government has taken appropriate action,” while adding the government remains deeply committed to protecting the lives of all its citizens, places of worship and property."
The 26th sessions of the UNHRC is currently underway in Geneva and is due to continue until June 27.  (Lakna Paranamanna)

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