SL congratulates US Senator Kerry

Minister of External Affairs Prof G.L.Peiris in a letter to newly appointed Secretary of State John Kerry extended his congratulations on the nomination and expressed Sri Lanka’s willingness to continue working with the US in full cooperation on matters of mutual concern.

“I look  forward   to  working  closely  with  you  to  further   strengthen   our bilateral partnership based on your  understanding  of the  importance   of our  relations  and the challenges  Sri Lanka  faces  after   emerging  from   a  protracted   conflict   that   spanned  three decades,” Prof. Peiris stated.

The full letter

His Excellency John Kerry
Secretary of State
United States of America


I wish to  extend  my warm  congratulations   to  Your  Excellency, on your  appointment   as the Secretary of State of the  United  States of America.   You bring to  your  office  the  wisdom  and experience  gained during  a  long  and  distinguished   political   and  professional   career.    I am confident  that  your pragmatic  outlook,   particularly   having  been the  Chairman  of the  Senate Foreign Relations Committee,  will  stand in good stead in steering  the foreign  relations  of your country in these challenging times.

I recall with  pleasure that  Sri Lanka has engaged your attention  over the years, as borne out by the report  you  co-authored   in December  2009 recommending   a re-evaluation   of the  US -  Sri Lanka relationship. I look  forward   to  working  closely  with  you  to  further   strengthen   our bilateral partnership based on your  understanding  of the  importance   of our  relations  and the challenges  Sri Lanka  faces  after   emerging  from   a  protracted   conflict   that   spanned  three decades.

Please accept,  Excellency,  assurances of  my  highest  consideration   and  best  wishes for  your personal well-being  and success.

Prof. G.L.Peiris, MP
Minister of External Affairs of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

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