Social Insurance scheme for prisoners

The Ministry of Rehabilitation and Prisons Reforms is currently discussing several proposals to implement a social insurance scheme for inmates who are receiving long term prison terms.

A spokesperson for the Ministry said that the insurance will be based on the crime that the particular inmate had committed. “He has to be suitable to be given insurance. We will also take their discipline into account,” he said. 

The Ministry together with the National Insurance Trust (NIT) is jointly collaborating to implement these proposals. We have a prison account that we have created by depositing wages and other incomes that are being generated by the inmates. We have about Rs.5 million in the account.

“Wages generated by the particular inmate will be handed over to them when they complete their respective prison terms,” he said.

“The ministry is especially focusing on how the inmates can be given a new life when they return back to society after concluding their respective prison terms,” he noted.

The Ministry has initiated many programmes to uplift the facilities and to educate them that the society will take them back if there returned with good qualities and being aware of the mistakes they committed in life which paved them to serve terms in prisons.

Minister Chandrasiri Gajadeera is currently going through several proposals. The Ministry said by September 12, which marks the Prisoners Day these proposals will be implemented.

The Chairman of NIT Senaka Abeygunasekara and Secretary of the Ministry A. Dissanayake attended the initial discussion which was held at the Ministry today under the patronage of Minister Gajadeera. (Supun Dias)

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