Speaker orders probe

Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa today ordered Secretary General of Parliament Dhammika Kitulgoda to conduct inquiries into the complaint that an official of the parliamentary staff had been assigned to do some administrative work of Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa.

The matter was raised by UNP MP Dayasiri Jayasekara, who rose on a point of order, charged that  the Secretary  General had instructed the parliamentary staff including the Sergeant at Arms to hand over letters addressed to Minister Basil Rajapaksa to Administration Officer Lacil de Silva instead of delivering them to the Minister’s residence at Gregory Road, Colombo 7.

In hard hitting remarks, the UNP MP said that the parliamentary staff should act without political affiliation in discharging their duties in terms of the Standing Orders.

“The Standing Orders are clear in this regard. Then, how can the parliamentary staff be used for the discharging of duties on behalf of a certain minister?” he asked.

The Speaker ordered the Secretary General to look into this matter and report to him with immediate effect. “I will look into it accordingly,” he said. (KB/YP)

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