Tamils for Obama Pushes Obama

The Obama administration has shown its support for the expected division of Sudan into two countries. Tamils for Obama points out parallels between Sudan and Sri Lanka: a long-running ethnic and religious civil war that probably will last forever if the warring parties are not separated. They also note that the countries who will profit from a renewed Sri Lankan civil war (China, Pakistan, Iran) are not friends of either India or the US. TfO urges Obama to raise the subject of partitioning Sri Lanka with the Indian government while he visits New Delhi this weekend.

“We told President Obama in our letter,” the spokesman continued, “that this is probably going to become an ongoing problem for both the US and the regional power, India, and we urged him to bring it up with the Indians while he is in New Delhi.

“We also mentioned that the powers that support the Singhalese side in this ethnic civil war—China, Pakistan, and Iran—are no friends of either India or the US,” the Tamils for Obama spokesman explained. “These countries are probably going to regard any trouble they can make in the Indian Ocean as profit for them because it will cost the US and India.

“We also noted that the Sudanese war against its southern population was frequently genocidal, and the government of Sri Lanka’s war against the Tamils is often genocidal also. This makes it a conflict which neither India nor the US will want to put up with for very long. We urged the president to bring the topic—of partition in Sri Lanka—up when he talks to the Indians.”

Tamils for Obama is a politically active association of Tamil Americans. The group believes that the ultimate solution to ethnic strife in Sri Lanka will necessarily include some form of political separation of Sri Lankan Tamils from the government dominated by the majority Singhalese. Tamils for Obama supports peaceful measures that if believes advance this goal of a political solution to Sri Lanka's ethnic problems.

Tamils are an ethnic group living mainly in the northeast of Sri Lanka and southern India. During the final weeks of the recent civil war, the Sri Lankan government killed about 1,000 Tamil civilians per day, according to the United Nations, and about 40,000 in 2009. The Tamil are a population in Sri Lanka has borne the brunt of a civil war they regard as genocide.

One-third of the Tamil population has fled the island and formed a substantial diaspora overseas. Tamils for Obama is comprised of Tamils who have settled in the U.S. or who were born in the U.S.

Source: prweb

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