Thajudeen case delayed by govt. institutions-Sister

Aisha Thajudeen, the sister of the popular ruggerite, Wasim Thajudeen, who died under mysterious circumstances, said that the case had dragged on due to delays on the part of government institutions.

Speaking to Daily Mirror, she said the family has been avoiding the media with good reason, and that everybody should understand that no-one would intentionally remain silent when a member of his or her own family dies under suspicious circumstances. “It took one and half years for the Judicial Medical Officer (JMO) to discover the cause of death, and additional one and half years for the Government Analyst to deliver his report. So three years were wasted due to delays by government institutions. When it came up in January the case became very active, and I now have confidence in the CID.

“The case was heard many times in court, but there was no cause of death given for one and half years. Then there was no support for us and I didn’t think it was the correct time for us to have got involved. But in the current political environment, and with the CID taking up the case, we know that something is going come right,” she said.

Speaking about the long, silent battle for justice over the death of her brother, she said, “A case was filed immediately after the incident occurred, and I remember giving evidence at the first court hearing. When the judge asked me if I suspected anybody I said that the death was suspicious but that I did not suspect anybody because my brother had as many friends as possible.”

She said that Thajudeen had no enemies and that he was a favourite with everyone.

When asked about rumours that a former VVIP’s son was involved in the incident, Aisha refused to comment as the case was still going on.(Kamanthi Wickramasinghe)


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