‘TN Congress was not for Eelam’

Tamil Nadu Congress Committee (TNCC) president B.S. Gnanadesikan said that his party was not for a separate Eelam but strongly believed that a solution to the ethnic question should be found within a united Sri Lanka, the Hindu reported.

“We cannot interfere with the internal affairs of another country. But, India is committed to the rehabilitation of the Sri Lankan Tamils, who suffered at the hands of both the LTTE and the Sri Lankan Army in the last 20 years. The priority is to find a home for them and ensure education for their children.”

Reacting to the demand for Eelam by various Tamil leaders, including DMK president M. Karunanidhi, Mr. Gnanadesikan said that any aggressive stand by political leaders in Tamil Nadu would not be in the interests of Sri Lankan Tamils.

“It will unnecessarily create suspicion among Sri Lankan political leadership and will not augur well for the Tamils. So, I appeal to the Tamil leaders to exercise restraint.”

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