TULF wants resolution on Indian model

The Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF), which is contesting the general election in the northern and eastern provinces except in the Digamadulla district, has advocated a political solution to the national question based on the Indian model of power devolution.

The TULF led by V. Anandasangari in its manifesto states states that all the ethnic groups should forget their differences and live in peace and harmony based on equal rights.

It states that a solution based on the Indian model has been welcomed by both the Government and the Opposition.

The TULF manifesto states that the political proposals of former President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga can be acclaimed as the best solution ever offered and welcomed by many.

“According to former Judge R. T. Vicknaraja this proposal was welcomed even by LTTE political advisor Anton Balasingam at the opening of the Kilinochchi Courts in 2002,” the TULF states.

Meanwhile it said it did not support South Africa being assigned the role of facilitator in the evolution of a political solution. Instead, it looks to India to play a meaningful role.

“From the time of Indira Gandhi up to the time of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Indian Government had intervened in efforts at resolving the Sri Lankan ethnic issue. It is the Indian Government which rushed helped Sri Lanka with medical teams and other assistance in the event of national disasters like Tsunami, etc. The TULF with all respects to South Africa will insist on India continuing its efforts to resolve the ethnic issue. If not India also will lose nterest,” the manifesto states.(Kelum Bandara)

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