Video:UN reiterates importance of addressing accountability in SL

The United Nations yesterday reiterated the ‘importance of addressing accountability in Sri Lanka through a genuine and comprehensive national process and achieving national reconciliation.’

During the daily press briefing at the UN headquarters Spokesman for the UN Chief Martin Nesirky made this comment in response to a question about photos of former LTTE’s son, that were released to the media.

“We are obviously aware of the video footage and the reports about that video footage, but I don’t have any specific comment on that,” he said.

Commenting on the panel, that was appointed to look into the UN’s own action during the last phase of the war in Sri Lanka, the spokesman said, “It’s not to do with looking into the actual events that took place in Sri Lanka. It is learning the lessons from them and it is an internal task force looking at how recommendations will be carried out within the UN."


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