Video: Uni flow between Wellawatte-Bambalapitiya

Police would implement uni-flow traffic between Wellawatta to Bambalapitiya along the Marine Drive in the morning and evening during weekdays starting tomorrow (03) due to ongoing road repairs along the road.

Accordingly, road between Ramakrishna Road (Wellawatta) and Kinross Avenue (Bambalapitiya) on the Marine Drive will be allowed for motorists travelling towards Colombo between 7 a.m. to 9.30 a.m.

In the evening, between 4 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. the same road segment would be allowed for the use of motorists travelling towards Dehiwela.

The new traffic plan would be implemented only the weekdays and the motorists could use the road as usual during weekends and Public holidays.

However, the Police did not announce when the arrangement would be stopped.(DS)



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