Video: Set up police unit to nab extortionists: LPBOA

Lanka Private Bus Owners Association (LPBOA) President GemunuWijeratne said today they would not allow extortionists to solicit bribes from bus operators.

He said they would request the President, Prime Minister and Defense Secretary to set up a special police unit to nab extortionists operating throughout the country.

“We request the extortionists to stop soliciting bribes from bus operators. We are discussing this matter with the authorities. Time keepers, some political party supporters and extortionist companies are obtaining bribes from bus operators,” Mr. Wijeratne said.

He said steps would be taken to cancel the licence of bus conductors who offer bribes to those extortionists.

Mr. Wijeratne said bus operators had to paya monthly ransom of Rs.150 million to those extortionists and pointed out that the LPBOA would not allow this to continue.

He alleged the extortionists who operated under the previous government had been replaced by supporters of another political party at some bus stations such as Uva, North-Western and North-Central provinces soon after the change of government.

Mr. Wijeratne also said professionals should be appointed for posts in the transport ministry and transport institutions for the purpose of providing an efficient transport service. (Ajith Siriwardana and Sanath Desmond)

Video by Sanath Desmond


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