US committed to work with SL-Hillary

US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton said Washington is committed to working with the Sri Lankan Government to help realize this goal, and that she looks forward to discussing future actions with her Sri Lankan counterpart G.L. Peiris soon.

We will continue the productive working relationship we have with the Sri Lankan Government based on shared values, respect and constructive dialogue. Most important, we seek to strengthen our partnership with all the people of Sri Lanka, Clinton said in a statement.

Earlier in the day, 24 nations, including India and the European bloc, voted in favor of a US-initiated resolution, calling on Colombo to address alleged abuses of international humanitarian law. 15 countries voted against while eight abstained. Sri Lanka expressed outrage over the move.

The US State Department said UN Human Rights Council resolution urging Sri Lanka to investigate alleged abuses during the final phase of war with LTTE encourages Colombo to continue on the path toward reconciliation following 27 years of civil war.

The United States, together with the international community, sent a strong signal that Sri Lanka will only achieve lasting peace through real reconciliation and accountability, and the international community stands ready to help, the statement added.

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