US not satisfied with SL action

The United States today said that Sri Lanka continues to fall short in implementing even the recommendations of its own Lessons Learned and Reconciliation Commission, in addressing the underlying sources of its longstanding ethnic conflict.
Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs Esther Brimmer said at the 22nd session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva that the United States will introduce another resolution at this session to ensure that the international community continues to monitor progress, and to again offer assistance on outstanding reconciliation and accountability issues.
“The Council’s work remains unfinished so long as Sri Lanka continues to fall short in implementing even the recommendations of its own Lessons Learned and Reconciliation Commission, or in addressing the underlying sources of its longstanding ethnic conflict. Last year’s HRC resolution encouraged brave civil society groups on the ground to continue their efforts, and the United States will introduce another resolution at this session to ensure that the international community continues to monitor progress, and to again offer assistance on outstanding reconciliation and accountability issues. The United States hopes this resolution will be a cooperative effort with the Sri Lankan government,” she said.
Meanwhile commenting on the Israel issue, she said that the Council’s work remains unfinished so long as it continues to unfairly single out Israel, the only country with a stand-alone agenda item. 
“Until this Council ceases to subject Israel to an unfair and unacceptable bias, its unprincipled and unjust approach will continue to tarnish the reputation of this body, while doing nothing to support progress toward the peace among Israelis and Palestinians that we all desire so deeply,” she said.

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