Video: No-faith debate on PM July third week: SLFP

The debate on the no-confidence motion on Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe could be held in the third week of July, the SLFP said quoting Leader of the House Lakshman Kiriella as saying at the party Leaders meeting held yesterday.

 “We strongly suggested that the motion should be taken up for debate as soon as possible, to which House Leader Kiriella replied it could be debated during the third week of July,” Opposition Leader and SLFP MP Nimal Siripala de Silva told a news conference today.

“We will be able to fix a date at the party leaders meeting next week,” he said.

He said people kept asking, what the Opposition was doing with the motion and said that it was up to the Government to make the final call on the date of the debate.(DS)

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