Video: Ranil next presidential candidate: Sajith

United National Party (UNP) Deputy Leader Sajith Premadasa said today the party had decided to field UNP National Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe as its candidate at the forthcoming presidential election and there was no argument about that.


“There is no point in arguing about who is going to contest at the next presidential election from the UNP because the party has taken a decision to field Mr. Wickremesinghe as its candidate,” Mr. Premadasa said.


He said Mr. Wickremesinghe was committed to ending this corrupt regime, which is taking this country towards destruction.

Mr. Premadasa said it was only a UNP government that could ensure the rights of the working people.


“This government is shattering the hopes of the working people from election to election and from budget to budget. We will stop blatant corruption and frauds in the state service,” he told the 19th Annual General meeting of the National Railway Services Union.


He said the unions affiliated to the UNP were revealing the attempts by the Government to provide substandard services to the people such as substandard medicine and power stations.


Mr. Premadasa said government was accusing the UNP of supporting LTTE but it was the Government that was doing so by giving the contract to repair the high commissioner’s official residence in Geneva to a LTTE company.(Darshana Sanjeewa and Ajith Siriwardana)


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