We do not know how ad got there-Lakpahana

Following an advert featuring a semi nude man which created a furor on Facebook causing the advert to be removed shortly after it was uploaded, officials of the Lakpahana office said yesterday that they were unaware of how the advert got there.

“We don’t know what happened. We are inquiring into this matter at present, that’s all I can say for now” The marketing manager of Lakpahana said.

When Daily Mirror inquired as to how it was uploaded sans approval from the authorities, the officials of Lakpahana declined to provide further clarification of the advert which went ‘viral’ on social media.

“I do not know what happened with the advertisement; I am just in charge of sales. The director is the only one who will have any knowledge over this incident and she is currently out of the country” said assistant manager Rosemarie Patternot.

The advert was lauded by some as being a bold marketing tactic, while others severely criticised it claiming it to be ‘indecent’ and ‘badly executed’
The advert however commanded the most amount of attention for a Sri Lankan advertisement on social media.

Meanwhile, a lawyer from Lakpahana told Dailymirror online that the Lakpahana facebook page had been hacked and that the photo had already been taken down (Jehan Gunasekara)

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