We will resist any international inquiry: Govt.

Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva said today that Sri Lanka would resist any international inquiry as a policy of the government because it believed that there was no need for an international inquiry within a short span of time now that the government had done its best in the reconciliation process.

“There is no agreement in all issues and they will continue to pressurize us. We are used to this pressure so the Sri Lankan government will do the right thing but we will not do the wrong thing due to pressure,” he said.

Minister de Silva said most of the allegations were unfounded and the government had already conducted internal inquires.

“There has always been pressure. We are used to this kind of pressure. Britain can't do this alone. We are confident to go before the UNHRC and face any challenge. So there is no justification for a predestined international inquiry”, he said.

"Sri Lanka is not a barbaric country. We have pride and national obligations. Commonwealth cannot be another international policeman. No country should be allowed to impose their agendas on another country," he said.

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