We will respond appropriately: Ministry of External Affairs

The Ministry of External Affairs intends on responding to a report by Amnesty International (AI) released today, condemning the report by the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC), while the Commission itself does not want to be distracted by responding to such report.

“AI is an independent body and can put out any reports that it wishes. After having looked at the report carefully we will respond appropriately,” a high ranking official of the Ministry of External Affairs told the Daily Mirror today.

Meanwhile the LLRC spokesman Lakshman Wickremasinghe stated that since AI had not responded to the LLRC invitation to give evidence to the Commission; statements made by the international human rights group were now irrelevant to the Commission.

“At the very initial stages the LLRC invited Amnesty International to testify before the commission, at the beginning of the public sittings. Regrettably AI declined our invitation and continued to condemn the commission; therefore we don’t consider it our business to comment on any report published by them,” he said.

He further added that responding to such a report would be distracting the LLRC from its primary objectives. “At this juncture we feel that nothing should distract the commission from its initial task which is to formulate a comprehensive final report. We cannot be dissuaded from this task by having to respond to various reports or by engaging in ancillary debates,” he said.

He further added that this indecisive action by the group would result in its credibility being questioned. “This action may raise questions on the accountability, professionalism and motivations of AI,” he said. (Dianne Silva)

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