Wimal should first be true to his word-UNP

UNP Parliamentarian Dayasiri Jayasekara said that Minister Wimal Weerawansa should first be true to his word and boycott American products before calling on others to do.

Responding to the statement made by Minister Weerawansa calling Lankans to boycott American products, MP Jayasekara said,“ Wimal Weerawansa uses an I Pad which is itself an American product, he uses his IPad to find songs to sing through Google at parties I have been present , so how can he ask people to give up American products.”

“This is a hilarious statement akin to the JVP asking the Lankans to boycott all Indian products in 1989. At that time we can say that there was some substance to it because the IPKF was in the country. But today the US troops are in the country on request by this very government who has asked its people to boycott American products. Robert Villard the Pacific Naval Admiral quite clearly said that the US marines who are present in Sri Lanka are here on the request of the government so under these circumstances how can he ask people to boycott American products” he said.

He also said that the government should stop making the country a laughing stock in front of the world and focus its attention on more pertinent issues like bringing the cost of living down and making sure the eroding rule of law is upheld. (Hafeel Farisz)

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