123-year-old N' Eliya Post Office for sale ?

The Postal Trade Union Federation yesterday staged a protest against the proposed sale of the 123 year-old Nuwara Eliya post office building to an Indian businessman to run a restaurant.

More than 500 representatives of the postal department trade unions, civil society organizations, and people of the area participated.

They accused the authorities of planning to hand over the buildings of Nuwara Eliya Post Office, Colombo Fort Post Office, and Galle Fort Post Office that should be conserved as national heritage buildings and monuments of the British rule not sell them to businessmen to run hotels and restaurants .   

President of the Post and Telecommunication Officers Union S.Kariyawasam pointed out that it was a matter of serious concern that property of the people were being sold to businessmen in this manner.  (Txt and Pix by Shelton Hettiarachchi)

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