Yet another wild allegation - army

While categorically rejecting the latest allegations by the United States in a report on human rights, the Sri Lankan military said it was yet another attempt to tarnish the image of the security forces.

“There are no unlawful killings taking place in Sri Lanka and also no paramilitary groups operating as mentioned in the report,” army spokesman Ruwan Wanigasuriya said adding that the military personnel were in uniform and were carrying weapons legally.

Commenting on the unlawful killings and disappearances, the Brigadier said if anyone was able to prove those allegations they could forward them to the military at any time.

“We will investigate those complaints and take action where necessary,” he said.

Brigadier Wanigasuriya said recently some accused the military of killing a Canadian-Sri Lankan in Jaffna. “Police already arrested four people one of whom is an ex-Tiger. That is good example of what is happening,” he added.

The 2011 Country Report on Human Rights Practices published by the US State Department stated that, “unlawful killings by security forces and government-allied paramilitary groups are a major human rights problem in Sri Lanka, often in the predominantly Tamil areas.”


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