
Bogambara Prison to be luxury hotel

Minister Lakshman Kiriella said that the building complex that has housed the historic Bogambara Prison for centuries, until last year, would be converted into a luxury hotel.

Explaining the future plans to develop the historic City of Kandy, he stated that several underground tunnels would be constructed in and around Kandy to ease the traffic congestion that has become a nightmare for the motorists during the past few years.

One tunnel would be constructed from Ampitiya to Thennekumbura, while another would be built between Bogambara and Getambe in Peradeniya. A third tunnel was to be extended from Ampitiya to Kandy, the Minister revealed. (Nadeeka Daya Bandara and J.A.L. Jayasinghe)


Video by Nadeeka Dayabandara

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