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The Israeli government assured to offer 2,000 job opportunities for female caregivers from Sri Lanka, this year, the Labour and Foreign Employment Ministry said.
A discussion related to this agreement was recently held with Minister Manusha Nanayakkara after a special delegation from Israel visited Sri Lanka.
During the meeting, the minister requested the delegation to provide more job opportunities for Sri Lankan caregivers, and the officials responded by assuring the minister that their country will recruit 2,000 female caregivers from Sri Lanka this year.
The delegation pointed out that, according to the existing culture in Israel, women have more opportunities for patient care, and the number of opportunities for male caregivers are very limited; accordingly, the delegation also requested the Minister give priority to females when providing training in the caregiver sector in the future.
The minister assured the delegation that only those who meet the relevant qualifications will be recruited for training. The delegation informed the minister that the local workers with English language proficiency, who have received professional training, will always have the opportunity to apply for employment opportunities in Israel. They said the Israeli government is ready to give opportunities to up to 8,000 qualified workers annually. During the discussion, both parties pointed out the importance of recruiting workers through a transparent process.
Minister Nanayakkara also presented to Israeli representatives requests to open up opportunities for the private sector to hire caregivers for jobs in Israel. (Chaturanga Pradeep Samarawickrama)