SL records 107,639 inbound tourists; MRIA with 11,926 with 72 aircraft movements: AASL

While Sri Lanka's tourism industry recorded 107,639 international tourist arrivals in February 2023, the MRIA has facilitated 11,926 international tourist movements (6259 arrivals and 5667 departures) over 72 international aircraft movements, Airport and Aviation Services (Sri Lanka) (Private) Limited (AASL) said.

The top five source markets for Sri Lanka in February have been the Russian Federation, 29,084 (27%), India, 13,714 (13%), Britain 8,575 (8%), Germany 7,930 (7%) and France 6,118 (6%).

Further, after 2021 MRIA facilitated the first flight 'SCAT' Airlines from Kazakhstan today, with 188 international tourists reaching the country. Altogether, 602 overseas tourists have arrived in Sri Lanka through the exotic gateway today, and also, Red Wings Airlines, a Russian regional leisure airline operating from Moscow, carrying 414 tourists landed in the country while 407 tourists departed on the same flight today.

AASL has made all the necessary arrangements to welcome the guests and facilitate smooth operations to process 1,009 tourists.
The top management of AASL appreciates the contribution of the Department of Immigration and Emigration, Sri Lanka Customs, and all other institutions at MRIA for their team effort and efficient operations in processing the tourists. If the trend continues, the year 2023 will be one of the best recovery years for Sri Lanka, and tourism will support rebuilding the economy. (Chaturanga Pradeep Samarawickrama)

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