Dialog and Covergence.Tech extend verifiable digital education credentials

 In yet another progressive step bringing about a giant leap within the Sri Lankan education domain and marking a first in the country, Dialog Enterprise introduced Convergence Tech Identity (CTI), a revolutionary digital education credentials service, in partnership with Convergence.Tech, the Canadian consulting and technology company working across Digital Transformation, Identity, Credentials, and Traceability. 

CTI digital certificates are based on standards promoted by the Digital Credentials Consortium (DCC), which counts Harvard, Berkeley, MIT and numerous other leading international educators as members. 

Supported by international employers and standards via the T3 innovation Network, and backed by companies including Google, Walmart and Microsoft, CTI offers the ability for students to receive digital credentials which are cryptographically secure and unforgeable. An exclusive digital first for Sri Lankan institutions, these verifiable credentials will transform the way that institutions recognise the skills and achievements of students which can also easily be verified by a third party such as an employer or another higher education institute - marking a milestone in the digital transformation of education in the country.  

Commenting, Supun Weerasinghe, Group Chief Executive of Dialog Axiata PLC said, “This new generation of digital credentials is a powerful tool for educators and students alike, so we’re delighted to make them easily available through our network.” 

 “We are eager to join hands with Dialog Enterprise in the digital transformation journey of the educational institutes in Sri Lanka”, said the CEO of Convergence.Tech, Chami Akmeemana. 

“Our vision has always been to empower students in their lifelong learning journey. Digital Certificates help recognize all the granular skills, achievements and work-integrated learning they acquire. 

This supports a positive learning experience, builds progress towards career pathways, and differentiates them to future employers”, he added further.

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