Japanese assistance to form SL’s electricity master plan

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The agreement was signed by Power and Renewable Energy Ministry Secretary Dr. B.M.S. Batagoda, National Policies and Economic Affairs Ministry External Resources Department Director General R.M.P. Rathnayake, Ceylon Electricity Board General Manager M.C. Wickramasekara and JICA Sri Lanka Office Chief Representative Kiyoshi Amada

Sri Lanka is to receive Japanese technical assistance in forming the country’s electricity master plan. A statement said an agreement was entered into between the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) for technical cooperation for a project titled ‘The Project on Electricity Sector Master Plan Study’, held at the JICA Sri Lanka Office recently. The CEB, which is responsible to develop, operate and maintain a stable, efficient and economical electricity supply system, has prepared mid to long-term investment plans.

These plans, which identify future investment projects, such as power generations, transmission lines, substations and distribution network to meet the future demand projections, are formulated based on the master plan, which covers 25 years and includes elaborated electricity demand modelling and power system analysis.

Through this project, the latest master plan, which was also formulated through the support by the JICA in the year 2006, will be updated by considering the development in the country and the latest technologies available in the field of power system for the next 25 years. The expected goal of the project is to develop a comprehensive master plan for the 25 years for generation, transmission and distribution development for the whole country.

The project will cover the consideration of new technical challenges which the CEB, as an implementing organisation, may face by 2040, such as expansion of non-conventional renewable energy sources, private sector participation, pumped storage power plants, optimal operation of coal thermal power plants, railway electrification and utilization of local gas and liquefied natural gas (LNG). In addition, the project will also include developing optimal financial strategy, which will be formulated through reviewing and analyzing financial figures such as present tariff level, cost structure and borrowing capacity of the CEB.

The project will be implemented through a joint study team, which will be organised by the CEB experts and JICA experts. Since the project will tackle with high level of technical challenges, mature cooperation between the CEB experts and JICA experts, who have deep expertise and experience, will be a key to success of the project.

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