Private sector outlines commitment to sustaining peace to UN Secretary General     Follow

Dr. Rohan Fernando (left) summarizes Sri Lankan private sector’s ongoing work to help sustain peace in the country to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon. Foreign Minister Mangala  Samaraweera is also present. 

Subsequent to the address by the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon on the topic of Sustaining Peace and Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, in Colombo on Friday, Sri Lanka’s private sector was given the opportunity to outline its commitment. 

UN Global Compact Network Sri Lanka Chiarman and Aitken Spence PLC director Dr. Rohan Fernando summarized Sri Lankan private sector’s ongoing work to help sustain peace in the country and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. 

A broad section of government, UN, private sector, civil society and youth representatives were present at the event hosted by the Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the United Nations in Sri Lanka. 
(See the full text of Dr.Fernando’s brief address on Page 2) 

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