Precious agarwood!     Follow

Sadaharitha Plantations, a leading commercial forestry company in the country, has come up with an innovative solution to produce agarwood, a highly valued raw material used in the production of perfumes.

Sadaharitha says the commercial production of agarwood can only be guaranteed through what they call a CA-Kit treatment for which the company holds the patent rights. 

The company says only 1 to 5 percent formation of agarwood is found in the local endemic plant ‘Wallapatta’. The trees of ‘Aquilaria Crassna’ sold and distributed by Sadaharitha is said to yield up to 60 to 70 percent agarwood within after the CA-Kit treatment. The picture shows the formation of agarwood in a CA-Kit-treated tree.

Pic by Pradeep Pathirana  

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