TBWA Sri Lanka and PHD Sri Lanka in ‘BIG’ initiative for Elder’s Day

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In most Asian countries, elders played a pivotal role in shaping our local communities. Sri Lanka was no exception, be it conducting rituals on special auspicious days or simply guiding and moulding the younger generation, elders were both revered and respected.

Sadly, with today’s fast-paced lifestyle, many elders feel neglected and alone, with the younger generation hardly seeming to have any time for them.

TBWA Sri Lanka and PHD Sri Lanka joined forces to find a way to re-ignite that feeling towards elders in a tangible manner that would have a direct impact on their lives.

Something that would apply to all elders in general.  And find a way they did, commemorating International Day of Elders by paying tribute to elders in a BIG way… literally!

A couple of insights led to the big idea. Firstly, the older you get, the weaker your eye sight and secondly, however hard it was, the older generation still assiduously read their daily newspaper as their prime source of news and information.

These gave birth to a simple idea. Give them a chance to read their newspaper effortlessly on this, their special day.

They convinced  a newspaper group to increase the font size of their two publications from the normal 10pt to 17pt. An increase by as much as 70%!!

A media first, not just in Sri Lanka but probably the entire world.

The initiative exhorted the general public as well to join in this tribute through social media (Facebook) with the physical adoption of the campaign mnemonic as their profile picture.

…and brought a tear of gratitude to many an elder’s eye.

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