UNP-led front unveils election manifesto based on 5 pillars

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The United National Party, which is heading the United National Front for Good Governance coalition in the upcoming polls, outlined its 5-year manifesto based on 5 pillars, which included economic, educational, social and infrastructure development as well as eliminating corruption.

“Our new economic plan is to focus on a knowledge-based economy centred on the social market economic model. This model is welfare centric; more developed than a progressive or capitalist model. It will guarantee fair benefits to the public. The social victims, unemployed, and the disabled, along with the natural environment will be given priority,” the manifesto stated.

The economic thrust included the creation of 1 million jobs by strengthening exports and getting more producers and associations directly involved in the process, taking advantage of the upcoming GSP+ tariff concessions from the European Union and digitizing the economy,
It highlighted the creation of 45 economic development zones, 11 industrial and technical zones, 2 tourism zones, 23 agricultural zones, 10 fisheries economic development zones and 2,500 market-centred cluster villages.

The manifesto further said that village infrastructure development, strengthening the farmers and eco-friendly farming and empowering women in villages will also be undertaken, while a national agriculture sales authority, a value-added tea smallholder society and a small and medium business development board will also be established.

Skills development in the younger generations, the military and the public sector, and protecting private sector employees were also mentioned.

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