The Kingsbury Nurtures Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign 2017

Building on the successful campaign held in October 2016, The Kingsbury will embark on another breast cancer awareness campaign under The Kingsbury Nurtures – the CSR arm of The Kingsbury in collaboration with the Cancer Care Association of Sri Lanka. This year’s programme is to conduct 4 breast cancer consultation and screening clinics The Kingsbury, Winchester Ballroom on;
Friday 6th Oct 2017 – 10am – 2pm
Thursday 12th Oct 2017 – 4pm – 8pm
Friday 20th Oct 2017 – 10am – 2pm
Wednesday 25th Oct 2017 - 4pm -8pm 
The month of October is declared as Breast Cancer Awareness Month internationally and The Kingsbury’scommitment to on an annual basis will certainly increase awareness of the deadly threat to women. While most people are aware of breast cancer, many do not to take the steps to get themselves tested. If in the event breast cancer is detectedit its early stages, the patients stand a better chance of successful recovery. 
The Cancer Care Association of Sri Lanka (CCA) is an organization founded by Dr. Samadhi Rajapaksa with a compassionate motive and immense dedication to ensure the physical, mental, social and spiritualwellbeing of those who are affected from cancer and their families in dealing with this condition. The 2016 campaign jointly conducted by The Kingsbury Nurturescreated the much needed awareness on the disease and the importance of early detection as well asfunding for the various initiatives of the CCA. 
According to World Cancer Research Fund International, 1.7million new cases were diagnosed worldwide in the year 2012 alone. World Health Organization’s 2014 data indicated 3955 cases of Breast Cancer among females making it the most common cancer diagnosed in Sri Lanka with the 34years and above age category being at the greatest risk. There is no update official statics available to indicate the growing threat to society but what we know is that available facilities are not adequate to cope with the growing number of cases that require treatment. Out of all forms of cancer that affect the female population, breast cancer is the most prevalent. 
Figure 1 - Cancer Incidence Sri Lanka 2014 (Source- WHO)
“ In today’s society women are faced with many challenges; the biggest being the ability to balance the multiple roles they play in today’s society. In this context what really happens is that they tend to neglect themselves and their health due to time constraints, especially the working women. Therefore, our intention is to give these ladies who contribute so much to our economy as well as their families the opportunity to get themselves tested for breast cancer whilst they are at work. To this extent we appeal to all employers to please facilitate this screening by giving them a little time during work to pop into The Kingsburysaid Dinithi Somaratne, Group Director Communications for The Kingsbury and Amaya Resorts & Spas.
“For the second year running, we have partnered with The Kingsburyfor another campaign for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The 4 clinics organized at The Kingsburyare a great opportunity for those who have concerns to get a free consultation and breast examination. Early detection saves lives;therefore please make your way to The Kingsbury and get yourself checked out” Dr. Samadhi Rajapaksa, President Cancer Care Association Sri Lanka. 
Alexandre Diaz Albo, General Manager at The Kingsbury comment “The KingsburyNurtures will continue build on these efforts and play a responsible role in assisting all our stakeholders by sharing the fruits of our labour with senior citizens, working ladies, orphaned children as well as the environment to ensure the brand is one with the people of Sri Lanka”.
Given below are the details for those of would like to contribute to the purchase of mobile mammography machines:
Cheques in favour of “The Cancer Care Association” can be posted to 
No.55, MunasinghaMawatha, Galawilawatta, Homagama, Sri Lanka or their accounts at the following banks:
Commercial Bank (Homagama) - 1290025562
Bank of Ceylon (Maharagama) - 75181082
Sampath Bank (Gangodawila) - 113561000289
Hatton National Bank (Nugegoda) - 027020516593
Peoples Bank (Gangodawila) - 097200180012126
National Savings Bank(Navinna) - 101190157473
call Dr. Samadhi Rajapaksa 0773409787

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