Zonta Club provides water filtration units to schools in Rajanganaya and Thambuththegama

President Zonta Club of Colombo II with the Principal and Prefects from Harischandra Maha Vidyalaya, Yaya 10, Rajanganaya after the installation of the water purification unit

Chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology (CKDu) has become a grave health crisis in Sri Lanka, particularly affecting agricultural communities in the ‘dry zone’. This devastating disease is spreading rapidly across the country, placing even young students at risk. The resulting deaths have caused significant economic and social hardships for families, who often lose their primary breadwinners.

Zonta International stands with the United Nations in advocating for access to clean water and sanitation as fundamental human rights essential for health, dignity, and well-being. 

The Zonta Club of Colombo II has played a pivotal role in addressing this issue, installing water filtration systems in over 90 schools across various regions. These efforts have provided safe drinking water to an estimated 50,000 individuals directly, with an additional 50,000 benefiting indirectly.

Recognizing the urgent need for safe drinking water in Rajanganaya and Thambuththegama area, located in the North Central Province, we have initiated a project to provide water filtration units to schools in the area. Its geographical position in a lower-lying area compared to surrounding regions makes its water sources particularly susceptible to contamination, putting the community at further risk. 

In response, on July 11, 2024, the Zonta Club of Colombo II installed a 1,000-liter Reverse Osmosis Water Softening Filter at Harischandra Maha Vidyalaya, Yaya 10, Rajanganaya, a school with 700 students and teachers. This generous donation, made possible by a dedicated well-wisher, ensures that each student receives a bottle of clean water for school consumption and another to take home each day.

However, there are still 8 schools in Rajanganaya and Thambuththegama that urgently need similar support. The Zonta Club of Colombo II is reaching out to potential donors to help expand this life-saving initiative. By providing additional water filters, you can help ensure that every child in this area has access to safe drinking water, enabling them to reach their full potential and live healthier lives.

The Zonta Club of Colombo II  is part of Zonta International. Founded in 1919, Zonta International is a leading global organisation of individuals working together to build a better world for women and girls. 

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