‘Hand in hand’ sustainability competition calls for applications

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In transforming the enthusiasm for a sustainable way of life into concrete action, CIMA together with the Global Compact Network Sri Lanka created a sustainability initiative competition: Hand-in-hand. 

The competition aims to engage students and their educational institutions in understanding the importance of social, economic and environmental development and inspire change.  Applicants will have to identify and describe how sustainability related project resulted in economic, social and environmental prosperity and how such impact will be sustained by key stakeholders involved.

CIMA tuition colleges, international schools, local and foreign-affiliated universities are invited to participate in the competition by submitting their applications by 7 August, 2015.  Short-listed applicants will be expected to present their projects at a judging process conducted by the Global Compact Network Sri Lanka. If applicable, candidates may be required to conduct an on-site presentation, which would guide Global Compact judges about the project. Each team would answer questions at the end of the visit. For transparency, judges will also interview community members involved in the project, if 3necessary. The length of the presentation and Q/A session would be approximately 15 minutes each.

A briefing session will be held on 20 July 2015 at 2pm at the CIMA Sri Lanka Auditorium, where the application process, the judges’ expectations from participants and the objectives of conducting the competition will be explained.  For more details please contact Fuhuma Deen on 2503880 ext. 222 or email [email protected]

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