Laojee Idam Thilina Promo rewards lucky winners     Follow

From left:Aruna Mawilmada – Customer Development Director Unilever Sri Lanka handing over the gift of land to Sriyani Ekanayake, Siddharth Banerjee – Country Marketing Director – Unilever Sri Lanka handing over the gift of land to Noel Nayanawathi and Aadhil Asver – Brand Manager – Laojee – Unilever Sri Lanka handing over the gift of land to A.A Chandrika.

Owning a land is a wish of a lifetime for many – especially when it seems a distant dream. 

For Sriyani Ekanayake, Noel Nayanawathi and AA Chandrika, it was more than a dream. It was a lifetime ambition that Laojee made possible for these three courageous mothers. When they took part in the competition, they were determined and hopeful of winning a land, a cherished dream. 

The three of them emerged winners of the much sought after Laojee Idam Thilina promotion which gave away a land each as a treasured gift to be passed on from one generation to another. For the three of them, as mothers, winning a land was a priceless gift they could pass on to their children.

The Laojee Idam Thilina Promotion concluded successfully with 03 lucky winners who were enthralled to win the land of their dreams. The promotion generated tremendous interest among the general public and enabled many, especially from rural areas, to participate.

Sriyani Ekanayake of Kegalle who was the first winner of the Laojee Idam Thilina promotion was ecstatic when she was informed of her win. For her, it was an opportunity of a lifetime, one she and her family truly prized. She came to receive her gift at the handing over ceremony held at the Unilever Sri Lanka office with hope and excitement. As a loyal Laojee customer, she had bought the winning pack of Laojee at the usual nearby shop. As a mother of two, she had entered the competition with all four names in the family. The entry made with her son’s name won the land. “I am ever grateful to Laojee for giving me the opportunity to gift my son a land, which I would not have otherwise been able to do,” she said.

Noel Nayanawathi from Badulla, the second winner of the competition, was also grateful for the opportunity to win a land. She entered the competition with one entry made under her son’s name. While on a pilgrimage to Adam’s Peak she was made aware of the competition and when she returned home she purchased a pack of Laojee and entered the competition. A mother of three, she too believed that winning the land was an opportunity of a lifetime that was a dream come true for she and her family. 

For A A Chandrika from Anuradhapura, it was a dream come true, one she never thought she would have if she had not entered the Laojee Idam Thilina Competition under the names of all her children. The entry made under the name of her second son, Wishwa Siriwardhana won the 03rd plot of land. “We feel so blessed to have been able to win this land which means a lot to us – we are thankful to Laojee for giving us an opportunity of a lifetime to win this land.” She added. 

As a brand close to the heart of its consumers, Laojee is a perfect blend of strength, colour and aroma, reflecting its rich heritage. “For Laojee, it was a great way to connect with our consumers through the gifting of a valuable land” says Aadhil Asver, Brand Manager – Laojee at Unilever Sri Lanka in conclusion. “It has also strengthened the relationship we have with them.”

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