Netherlands supports local industries     Follow

 The new Netherlands Ambassador Joanne Doornewaard was the chief guest at the recent PUM Netherlands Senior Experts presentation of their services to local industries.

PUM local representative S P C Kumarasinghe jointly organized this presentation with the agricultural policy officer of the Dutch Embassy Nishan Dissanayake. 

This presentation which was held at OPA was attended by over 30 Sri Lankan companies.

In her key note address the Ambassador specially said under the moto “Old Friends – New Trends” that the Netherlands government willing to provide more facilities to local dairy industries and agriculture.

The PUM Country coordinator, Cees van Dijl made a power point presentation assisted by S P C Kumarasinghe explaining how PUM provide free technical assistance to 70 sectors of industry and service providers.

PUM Netherlands Senior Experts completed 43 projects in 2014 and over 500 Sri Lankan companies had been assisted by PUM during past two decades.  More than two hundred selected applicants were sent to the Netherlands for further training.

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