Polish envoy wants Sri Lanka to purchase fruits from them

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Sri Lanka – Poland Business Council discussion in progress

The New Delhi-based Polish Ambassador for Sri Lanka and India, Tomaz Lukaszuk has invited Sri Lanka to buy fruits from Poland, which he says does not use chemicals to increase the shelf life of the fruits they produce.

The ambassador made this request, when he held a discussion with the Sri Lanka – Poland Business Council of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, which was chaired by Kumara Semage, President of the Sri Lanka – Poland Business Council, while Ken Balendra, Consul General for Poland in Sri Lanka and Lilakshini De Mel, Senior Assistant Secretary General of the Chamber were also present.

According to the Polish envoy said, Poland is the 6th largest food producer in the EU with total sales of around EUR 40 billion and food industry is one of the biggest Polish industries.

According to him, Poland produces fruits such as apples, strawberries, carrots, mushrooms etc. Poland is Europe’s largest producer of apples and also specialises in soft frits such as strawberries. The EU Country is the fourth largest producer in the world for concentrated apple juice.

Meat, diary, fruits and vegetables are the most competitive parts of the Polish food industry on international markets. Technology used for processing food products is very high in Poland.

Meanwhile , speaking during the occasion, Kumara Semage, President of the Sri Lanka – Poland Business Council invited the importers of foodstuff to join the proposed business promotion mission, the business council is expected to organise during this year to explore opportunities available in the Polish market.

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