CMTA calls for fairer import policy that benefits all


  • Raises concerns about disparities in current import regulations and policies 

Ceylon Motor Traders Association (CMTA) yesterday voiced its apprehensions regarding the fairness of the current import regulations and called for a more equitable one that takes into account the struggles faced by ordinary individuals.
CMTA noted that under the current import regulations, importation of high-end televisions and mobile phones are allowed while essential necessities such as a motorcycle remain restricted.

“While a significant portion of the population faces difficulties in providing transportation for their families and growing their businesses, it is disturbing to witness the importation of luxury items that cater exclusively to the elite,” CMTA said in statement.

“The CMTA firmly believes that this disparity in import regulations is unjustified, as it allows the affluent to spend exorbitant amounts on high-end products while denying the import of essential items, such as a simple motorcycle,” it added.

To illustrate the extent of this divide, the CMTA pointed out that high-end televisions retail for Rs.700,000-1,000,000 (US$1,000 and above), dual-door refrigerators for above Rs.1 million and high-end smartphones for Rs.500,000-750,000. In contrast, a 110cc petrol scooter costs approximately US$ 650, and a three-wheeler is priced at US$ 1,300. 
“It is worth mentioning that several items were recently removed from the import ban list, but it is disheartening to observe that essential items like motorcycles and three-wheelers were not included in the consideration,” CMTA said.

In light of these concerns, the CMTA called upon policymakers and authorities to engage in an extensive dialogue with the public, taking into account the perspectives of those directly affected by these import restrictions.  CMTA stressed that transparency and inclusivity are vital for creating a more equitable society, where import regulations align with the needs and aspirations of the people. 
While acknowledging the importance of revenue generation and economic progress, CMTA stressed that the well-being of citizens should always be at the forefront of policy decisions.


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