Celebrating a marketing maestro: Dilmah Tea continues to carry forward his enduring legacy


In the early 2000s, as an eager undergraduate, I vividly recall the captivating stories that echoed through our marketing classes about a visionary entrepreneur, who was on a mission to transform Ceylon tea into a global brand. Little did I know that these tales would stay with me for years to come, inspiring my pursuit of marketing excellence. Today, as we bid farewell to iconic Merril J. Fernando, the founder of Dilmah Tea, it is a touching moment to reflect on his extraordinary journey and the unforgettable mark he has left on the world of marketing.
Merril J. Fernando’s story began with a deep-rooted passion for tea, a product that was considered a mere commodity in the early days. It was his dream to elevate Ceylon tea from the confines of bulk export to the heights of a premium global brand. His vision was not just about creating a successful business; it was about preserving the authenticity and purity of Ceylon tea and sharing its unique flavour with the world. Thus, in 1988, Dilmah Tea was born – a brand that would soon revolutionise the tea industry and become synonymous with exceptional quality and ethical practices.
At the heart of Merril J. Fernando’s success was his innate understanding of the art of branding. While he may not have been a marketer by profession, he was undoubtedly a marketer by birth. He recognised that Dilmah’s success lay not only in producing exceptional tea but also in weaving a compelling narrative around the brand. Through powerful storytelling and evocative marketing campaigns, he invited consumers into the enchanting world of Dilmah, one that resonated with values of authenticity, sustainability and community upliftment.
In an industry where mass production and profit often overshadowed authenticity, Merril J. Fernando dared to be different. Dilmah Tea stood as a testament to his unwavering commitment to quality and ethical practices. Embracing the concept of ‘Single Origin, Single Garden, Single Ethos’, he ensured that every cup of Dilmah tea carried the essence of its origin. Moreover, his dedication to ethical tea production through his MJF Charitable Foundation and The Ethical Tea Society showcased the brand’s commitment to giving back to the communities that nurtured it.
With relentless determination, Merril J. Fernando embarked on an audacious journey to introduce Ceylon tea to the world as a premium, luxurious experience. Through strategic market positioning, innovative packaging and a deep understanding of consumer preferences, Dilmah Tea soon found its way to the shelves of high-end establishments across the globe. The brand’s elegant packaging, distinctive logo and iconic ‘Do Try It’ tagline became synonymous with a cup of tea that offered an extraordinary sensory experience.
As we bid farewell to Merril J. Fernando, we remember him not only as a business tycoon but also as a true marketing trailblazer. He was a visionary who transformed an age-old commodity into an iconic global brand, all while upholding the values of authenticity, integrity and sustainability. His remarkable journey serves as a testament to the power of branding and the enduring impact that marketing can have on shaping a business and touching the lives of millions. Merril J. Fernando’s legacy will continue to inspire marketers for generations to come, as we strive to follow in his footsteps of creating remarkable brands that resonate with consumers’ hearts and souls.
(Gayani Punchihewa, FCPM, MCIM, CPM (Asia), B.Sc. Business Administration (Marketing Sp.), MBA (Marketing), is General Manager Advertising of Wijeya Newspapers and comes with extensive experience in the print, electronic and digital media marketing and advertising industries in Sri Lanka. She currently serves as General Secretary of JASTECA and Chairperson of the Women’s Chapter of CPM Sri Lanka as well. https://www.linkedin.com/in/gayani-punchihewa-439262117/)

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