Stunning images

At first glance, it looks like a cloak of stars hanging over a rugged mountain range.

But look closer and you'll notice some distortion around its tree-lined base. But what could that be?

Filmmaker Kevin Wolf, based in San Francisco, captured the image at California's Yosemite National Park on a clear day.

He noticed that the glimmering sand and pebbles in a lake somewhat resembled stars - and when he flipped the picture he was proved absolutely correct.

So he shared it on Reddit, where it quickly started trending.

'I flipped this photo upside down because the sand under the river kinda looked like stars', he explained.

The water is so glassy clear that the mountains are perfectly reflected, lending the upside down image an even more realistic nature.

Only the faint ripples in the centre of the photo give it away.

'Spectacular! Almost like looking at a shot of night and day!' one admirer wrote.

'Best "star" photo of Yosemite yet!' another remarked.

The Yosemite National Park, nestled in California’s Sierra Nevada mountains, attracts millions of visitors every year - beloved for its breathtaking natural scenery.

Declared a World Heritage Site in 1984, it covers more than 740,000 acres and 95 per cent of it is designated wilderness. (Daily Mail)

Filmmaker Kevin Wolf, based in San Francisco, captured the image, seen here the right way up, on a clear day and noticed that the glimmering sand and pebbles in the lake somewhat resembled stars

At first glance, this image taken at Yosemite National Park looks like a mountain under a starry night sky, but all is not what it seems

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