With May Day on Friday, a group calling itself, ‘Mahinda Samaga Api’ distributed hand bills at the Fort Railway station today urging that the workers be granted what is owed to them. Pix by Kushan Pathiraja
Comments - 3
Comments - Call to restore worker’s rights
mahindaiya Tuesday, 28 April 2015 11:54 AM
Mahinda is spending all the money he cheated from the public to cheat them again.
Labby Tuesday, 28 April 2015 12:10 PM
What a pathetic attempt by the once all powerful dictator. Now down to the level of using jobless scavengers to distribute hand bills on his behalf.
adhil nizam Wednesday, 29 April 2015 05:22 PM
So basically Mahinda has rediscovered his love for the average worker from whom he stole for the past 10 years!!!! My my...How an election loss can change the person (.
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