Crowds of people are seen shopping for pots, at wayside pottery Stalls in Kirulapone. They will be used for the traditional ‘Kiri Ithiraweema’ in the New Year. Pix by Kushan Pathiraj
Comments - 4
Comments - Getting ready for the New Year
Goni Billa Friday, 12 April 2013 01:06 AM
You are joking when you say ‘Kiri Ithiraweema’ . If milk is boiled it will always over flow. So this is a joke.
H. R. Jothipala Friday, 12 April 2013 01:56 AM
Kiri Ithirewa Nawa Wasare!
Labby Friday, 12 April 2013 06:30 AM
Everybody is going pots ! To believe that you'd be overflowing with 'mild and honey' when the milk boils over is nothing but a joke. Milk will always spill over when excessively boiled.
Punchi Banda Friday, 12 April 2013 06:46 AM
‘Kiri Ithiraweema’ - Superstitious nonsense , passed on for generations and the gullible just follow tradition with questioning.
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