Hand separated, restored

A hand severed from the shoulder in an assault with a kitchen knife was restored through plastic surgery  by a team of surgeons of the Colombo National Hospital on last Thursday the operation lasted 10 ½ hours.

The doctors said they successfully performed two similar surgeries for the month despite the shortage of resources. The young man about 31 years of age admitted to Kegalle hospital with his left hand completely separated from the shoulder was transferred to the National Hospital.

A team of medical specialists in plastic surgery including Dr. Duleep Perera, Dr. Dhammika Dissanayake, Dr. Amila Siriwardene, and Dr, Amila Ratnayake performed the operation with the help of Orthopaedic Surgeons Dr. Suran Almeda, Dr. Chelian, and the Aesthetician Dr.Surangi Fernando.(Tharidu Jayawaradane) Pics by Amila siriwardene

Dr. Amila Ratnayake                                           Dr Amila Siriwardane

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