Why are the road signs only in one language? Where is the official languages act in this? What does VASU have to say in this?. I cant read Sinhalese though I am married to a Sinhalese girl - No problem on that but this is not fair. Also, as usual cops just standing around gossiping and doing nothing. Testing it out on Saturday is not the solution as there is 40% less vehicles on the road.
hello Sunday, 07 July 2013 01:26 AM
Good, but the shortest streach of the 4 sided one way system is not long enough for interweaving traffic. That is, vehicles from Union Pl trying to turn right to CWWK Mw and cars from Dharmapala Mw trying to turn left to Deans road will have problems in the short streach and will become a bottle-neck. Especially true with Sri Lankan drivers who are mostly on the wrong lane when approaching a turn!
hello Sunday, 07 July 2013 01:08 AM
Agreed, the one way system round Town Hall area will help. The illustration could have been shown on just one diagram, with a ONE WAY arrow along the four sides around the Town Hall, with all other leading roads with two way arrows.
chula Saturday, 06 July 2013 03:11 PM
If they can have one way traffic on sub roads link, Baseline Road we can cut down some of the signal lights. This will improve save time. On a weekday to travel from Borrella to Kirulaponne on BR it take almost 45mnts(Distance may be max 10 Km). For an Eg. Vehicles going to Asiri Surgical Hospital has to access with both way traffic. With one way traffic on these roads signals on main road (04 way signal) can be cut down to three. Like wise some more places same adjustments can be made on Baseline Rd.
Observer Saturday, 06 July 2013 02:27 PM
Solving traffic problems in Combo are long over due. It will take a while for people to get accustom but it will be life saving!
Thushantha Saturday, 06 July 2013 12:31 PM
Petrol very cheap so we can do round round. foolish police
kingslynishan Saturday, 06 July 2013 12:13 PM
how do explain the jam deans road --> pettah inflow and ward --> petta traffic in moring. all of them go sight seeing townhall instead of going to pettah very nice plan for idiots
kingslynishan Saturday, 06 July 2013 12:13 PM
so many vehicles and buses goto pettah which will enter from ward place side specially in morning rush hours. now they have to circulate townhall in order to goto pettah. I think it will create a huge traffic jam. there is huge inflow of vehicles from deans road to petta as well. is it allowed to go to pettah from lipton circus or are all those required to be circulating thru town hall ?
Nimesh Saturday, 06 July 2013 10:42 AM
I'm fully with yr view. This is indeed a commendable move.
Punchi Putha Saturday, 06 July 2013 10:28 AM
Very commendable effort, not many people dare to even try this in the past, hats off!
the joy Saturday, 06 July 2013 10:22 AM
Mr. trilingual, dont try to find fault in everything, wake up. use ur brains. this site is an english site. people who cant read english will not come here. they will have english and tamil maps wherever they need it. and, i they try to do this on a weekday, u will have the comment saying why cant they do it on a weekend, less vehicles to rehearse, people like you are the people who pulls sri lanka down. shame on you!!!
Porky Pig Saturday, 06 July 2013 03:50 AM
It is for a sightseeing (round seeing) of the Town Hall. Nice!
Rakitha Saturday, 06 July 2013 07:15 AM
Very true GDSJay.... Sri Lankan's are always negative and will bring SL down for every thing but will never give credit or stand up for the nation when good things happen
RanjithT Saturday, 06 July 2013 07:08 AM
Looks a very good plan. However one must expect few teething problems initally. If police take an active role in politely directing the vehicles and re do all road markings when it is fully implemented Colombo can have a smooth traffic flow. Good luck.
Dam Saturday, 06 July 2013 06:57 AM
Now we all have to sing like this " Round, round baby round, round Spinning out on me " when we going on colombo 7 roads....... lol
Jaya Saturday, 06 July 2013 06:58 AM
yeah instead of going round the Lipton circus now there is a biggg Town hall roundabout
C.Senthilan Saturday, 06 July 2013 06:50 AM
Rules should also be enforced to ensure that the bus drivers do not keep buses in waiting at bus halts wasting commuters' precious time and baking them inside buses. This is very much seen in Route No.155 and 154. Immediate attention is requested to rectify this too.
Jayasekara Saturday, 06 July 2013 06:43 AM
Now how do get HNB car park
Dasa Dharma Saturday, 06 July 2013 06:32 AM
Whatever you do, will not make a big difference unless the police are willing to enforce the law against buses, three wheelers, pedestrians and motorbikes. Changing lanes arbitrarily, run on amber, overtaking from the left, ad-hoc U turns, Jay walking, etc... must be booked to achieve the results
Kondebedapucheena Saturday, 06 July 2013 05:33 AM
This is good one
Josh Saturday, 06 July 2013 04:39 AM
finally they had the brains to do it.. the traffic will be much better now..
GDSJay Saturday, 06 July 2013 04:29 AM
It is very commendable to see a genuine effort being taken to address an issue which really affects Sri Lankans. Simultaneously, I am extremely disappointed about the lack of positive comments which should be posted to these types of news items. Should this have been some sort of a news about MR or GR, I am sure this would have been inundated with comments. Sri Lankans should also get into the habit of providing appraisal when required, similar to the promptness of providing criticism about Sri Lanka.
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