A tense situation arose after a Sathyagraha programme launched by National Bhikku Front, (Jathika Sanga Sammelanaya) today at Modaragamaru Bridge, Marichchakatti. Pix by Pradeep Pathrana
Comments - 5
Comments - Sathyagraha held to protect Wilpattu
Milkyway Thursday, 14 May 2015 09:09 PM
The Hulk is missing? Why?
Saman Friday, 15 May 2015 08:52 AM
LTTE drove Muslim villagers away from Marichchikatti 30 years ago and the National Bhikku Front is trying to prevent their resettlement at Marichchikatti after the end of the brutal civil war. Does it mean that the NBF is an extension of the LTTE trying to achieve the same purpose !!!
suda Friday, 15 May 2015 03:32 PM
Sinhalese in this country lives a luxury life. They have not undergone any injustice . Always their leader support them and minority in discarded. Sinhalese has not been killed by any other nationals. Sinhalese always kills muslims and tamils (imaginary) . Im a Sinhala person but when these things happen to my Sinhala country how can we sit and wait. Mulims Tamils please do not do this. We want to live with all in peasce
Ratna Friday, 15 May 2015 07:54 PM
Please leave Tamils alone. Tamils also have been the victims of Muslims in large numbers in the East
ultmate Saturday, 16 May 2015 10:36 AM
definitely.Everybody is concerned about the forest and animals.None ever ponders about how these people live their lives? The state of their houses and basic needs? We are so inhuman. Atleast grant them a different place to resettle instead of complaining.. These people have lost everything due to the war and no what. Still the same post war?? How inhuman are we...
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