Make a fresh start     Follow

This is the New Year season, which we celebrate on a grand scale. Undoubtedly, by this time, you have been bombarded with plenty of New Year massages wishing you in different ways. You will continue to receive New Year wishes at least for another week or so. Those are others’ wishes to you.

However, you must have your own plans to make a real change in your life, lives of your employees and your business organisation and so forth. You are accustomed to set these kinds of personal and business plans at the beginning of almost every New Year. However, how many targets could be achieved in the last year is a very important question which you ought to ask yourself.


We can never predict the market and its behaviour. Consequently, we have to be patient for achieving success

Once you answer the above mentioned question, surely you will be able to identify some failures which you experienced last year. Hence, it is of the importance to look into some factors which really made you fail last year, so that you will be able to achieve a majority of your set targets in this New Year.


The question “Why do people give up New Year’s resolutions halfway?” is of the significance to ask. We, as business people, want to increase sales, make more profits, introduce new products to the market and maximize our shareholders’ wealth. Nevertheless, you might have been unable to perform as expected. It may be due to the reason that people become discouraged, once results do not come quickly and easily.

We can never predict the market and its behaviour. Consequently, we have to be patient for achieving success. Even though people are determined at the time when goals are set, they gradually abandon their courage to pursue goals. When you have to face challenges and fail at some points, you jump the gun to define you weak. It can be seen that due to the lack of courage, people abandon their goals halfway.

Right strategy

Because some people do not follow right strategies, people are unable to meet goals. You ought to have the right knowledge and experiences to make the right decisions and the right strategies leading to better outcomes. You have to be keen on improving yourself by sharpening your skills, in order that you can make right strategies for achieving personal growth and business growth. Sometimes, you might still use traditional sources whereby you improve yourself. Hence, it is time to look beyond the conventional knowledge sources. All these things will result in making the right strategies.

Because some people do not follow right strategies, people are unable to meet goals. You ought to have the right knowledge and experiences to make the right decisions and the right strategies leading to better outcomes


Your lifestyle can have an impact on your performance and success. How you are dressed, how you behave and how healthy your social contacts are, can shape your lifestyle positively as well as negatively. Some persons, following the right strategies, working hard can fail. Let’s find out why. How you talk with your employees or your customers can really decide whether you are going to achieve your goals or not. If you can identify some wrongs with your lifestyle, be focused on finding alternatives to those wrongs.

Being on right track

A majority of those that start pursuing goals does not continue to do so. When they face challenges, they are out of the track. To avoid this, people are used to writing down resolutions on paper, so that they are able to review the progress of achieving targets. Writing down the key objectives you are going to meet this year helps you remain focused on and act as a reminder of the resolutions. Even though people make a fresh start, they become less enthusiastic. Hence, it is important to measure the progress achieved so far. This helps to make sure that you are on the right track.

New Year is a possible turning point that can be used to make some changes in your business organisation. Although changes are made somewhere else, it is you who make the changes. Every simple difference each and every employee makes contributes to the whole business success. Hence, put your targets, so that all the employees can easily notice. Take New Year as a platform to expedite your personal and business growth. So, first step is “make a fresh start”.

(Amila Muthukutti holds a BA in Economics from the University of Colombo and can be reached at [email protected])

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