“Why am I silent?” Ideal time to ask the question

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Two hugely popular local entertainers prompted me to write this article by the example they set with their courage. Nanda Malini Gokula and Sunil Perera, I need not say more, everybody knows them.  

Of course we are all aware the current flavour of the season is the elections on the 17th of August. If one was to listen to what is amplified and trumpeted by the ‘lily white’ contestants, it looks like there are no more saints left in heaven or where ever people with halos gather. They have all descended down to Sri Lanka to take part in the parliamentary elections with one intention - to serve the people. All that is missing is Pope Francis coming down from the Vatican to canonise the mall and make them official saints. 

That being the script let me get back to my story and pause elaborating the ‘holier than thou’ politicians of the two colours that ruled us for 67 years. 

‘Avurudhu Dedahas Panseeyak’ is a thought-provoking song by the mercurial Nanda Malini Gokula. If you have not heard, just listen to it. By God! She says it all in the three minutes of courtesy listening time you give her. Nanda Malini is no new comer to protest songs. Remember ‘Udangu Liyan” and how that was banned by the powers of the yesteryear. The reason being the haunting lyrics spoke of a plucked flower thrown on the path of people walking a cortege. The burial was of someone who gave his life for the country. That was good enough for the politicians to ban the song. 

This time she sings of the woes of Mother Lanka. Any Sri Lankan who hears the song would agree she is singing the truth and nothing but the truth. It is sung to resurrect people like you and me of the voiceless masses; we who sin in silence watching the election carnival come to life. The words are clear and precise and resonates in many manifestations how the power-welding leaders of Lanka have prostituted her in the name of political governance. In one simple song she says it all and lays it bare, the absolute truth. 

I am sure Nanda Malini did not sing for personal gain. She is immensely popular and she does not drive around in BMW SUVs or eat Jacqueline’s platinum plated hoppers. Nanda Malini is only minting these golden protest words for us to get up from the ‘do nothing’ seat and ask “Why am I silent?” Yes, it is a difficult call no doubt. “You may not be OK but since I am OK, why protest?” does make sense in some ways. But that is the very reason corruption thrives, our silence. 

The world has changed on many occasions because the common man protested. Maybe at infancy it was faint but big and bigger politicians have been steamrolled by the collective dissent of the masses. We too need to make some sort of a complaint for the 67 years of political corruption we’ve had. 
We need to ask or pray or plead or protest for good governance from whoever goes to the parliament after the 17th lest we condone them and nod our approval to whatever corruption that takes place with our silence. 

Now I bring Swarnavahini screen to my story. For decades Sri Lankans have been entertained by the grandiose creations of Sunil Perera or shall I say “Gypsy Sunil,” (pardon me Sir, people know you better that way) We have all enjoyed his creativity, his singing and his stage magic and Sunil undoubtedly is the number one Sri Lankan entertainer. And not just flash and go, but the ‘Full Monty’ for more than 40 years. And the man with the bowler hat and winsome smile has stood his ground at controversy and walked tall at all times to become a legend with his music-wrapped personality. 

‘Gypsy Sunil” is a great band leader whose innovations were always original and super-sonic. Then came his greatest feat, the interview on Swarnavahini which is now doing the rounds in the YouTube circuit. What he sang was exceptional, but what he preached on TV was extraordinary, the best I have seen from him. At the interview he was honest, he was correct and he spoke the truth the way most of us see it. Wise words just gushed out at the interviewer’s questions and he did not pull any punches in his criticism of the political rulers. 

Courage to be forthright
Seldom or never have I seen someone having the courage to be so forthright and accuse the powers that have dragged us to ruin? I do not think he stood up and protested for himself. I don’t think he did it for gain or with inkling to be seated in the parliament. I think he did it for the silent Sri Lankans. He couldn’t take it anymore. So he protested planting seeds in each of us to ask “Why am I silent?”  

This land is the only piece of the planet that is ours. It is Sri Lanka for Sri Lankans. What difference would it make what God one worships? Why label a man by race and measure or treat him differently? What sense does it make to have a different slide rule to the minority? They did not parachute here from the blue sky. They have been walking this land from time immemorial. Maybe lesser in numbers but that does not mean any less affection for Mother Lanka. Then why pigeon hole people and separate them. Hear out Nanda Malini, she has a lovely meaningful message to give on all what I have written. Please listen at least once to her Avurudhu Dedahas Panseeyak. You are sure to ask yourself “Why am I silent?”  

Every morning the newspapers are filled with ‘seenibola’ promises of the candidates. Every evening the TV screen gets lambasted with political parties going at each-others’ throats.  Then the questions come in the vernacular; ‘kade yanne katada’ talking about the cockroaches of politics which live on the crumbs that fall? In a Derana TV program I heard politicians themselves stating the astounding money needed for campaigns, thirty million for some and more for some others. Must be manna falling from heaven. But this is politics and the gifting gods throwing bundles of cash do expect something in return. 

All this will end on the midnight of the 17th. Then we will await the promises that were made and see gradually the hopes we hoarded once again becoming hopeless. Nothing new, same old pack of blue and green, just that the cards are shuffled differently. 

My dear friends, Nanda Malini sang and Gypsy Sunil spoke breathing fire and I bet there were many who listened to them and asked the all-important question “why am I silent”.  

Can try our best
We may not be able to change the tide, but at least we can try our best to bring some honesty to the governance of our mother-land. 
We do not need a country that is flowing with milk and honey as it is depicted on TV screens and news-papers and celluloid. We have had enough of two colour politics and promises for 67 years. We need a land where people live in peace, where everyone has three square meals, a child has a school, a hospital has doctors and medicine and a family shelters with a roof over their head and some reasonable employment to earn a decent living. 

More than anything else we need an eradication of corruption and punishment to the corrupted. That is paramount. Sadly we seldom saw that with the Chinthanaya or the Yahapalanaya. 

Thank you Nanda Malini and thank you Sunil, you woke me. Maybe I can wake a few others too. After all, this is our beloved homeland that is suffering and going down the drain due to political decay.
(The writer can be contacted through [email protected])

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