Insee Cement powers animal rescue project with IUCN     Follow


Insee Cement , the first green cement manufacturer in Sri Lanka continued their renowned and popular animal rescue programme for the 8th consecutive year, in partnership with the International Union of the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) at the Aruakalu quarry site.
Maintaining its commitment to the conservation of the environment as part of the global Sustainability Strategy, anchored to the triple bottom-line approach of creating value for people and the planet, alongside profitability, the company places great emphasis on the protection and promotion of biodiversity as part of its initiative to protect and practice 
responsible quarrying. 
Farzana Khan, Director Sustainable Development, Communications & External Affairs of INSEE Cement commented “It is both an honour and a pleasure to be met with such avid support of this animal rescue programme, meeting its 8th year of success. Our partnership with the IUCN which saw its beginnings in 2009.”
Thus far Insee Cement has seen the relocation of over 11,000 species of slow moving animals. As popularity of the programme increased since 2012, increased number of volunteers has led to over 2500 animals being rescued annually. “We believe in embedding this green culture and above all responsibility for our actions – in this case responsible quarrying, from which we can see the fruit of our labour and passion coming alive in all our employees,” said Farzana.As the world’s oldest and largest global environmental organization and a leading authority on environmental and sustainable development, IUCN enhances Insee Cement’s initiative for animal rescue through leveraging  their exponential expertise, thus how Insee Cement has achieved exceptional results in four key bio diversity areas which begin at the monitoring flora and fauna in these potential quarry sites, the rescue and release programme, the post-mining refill of the quarry site which continues into reforestation and finally the continued monitoring of the progress of rehabilitation.
Program Coordinator, IUCN - Shamen Vidanage commenting on the partnership with Insee Cement “This is an outstanding effort made by Insee Cement. Having carried this through with such vigour and passion from inception has been a feat that Insee Cement has carried on in the years past. We look forward to the continued success of this programme and the continued partnership with 
Insee Cement.” 

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