AIA Poson Safety programme saves 24 lives this Poson     Follow

This year’s AIA Poson Safety Programme deployed more lifesavers, numbering 720, working together with the Sri Lanka Police, Lifesaving Association of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka Navy and Civil Security Department to face the threat posed to pilgrims as inclement weather continued and reservoirs in Anuradhapura overflowed. Thanks to this, 24 lives, the highest number ever in the history of the Company’s corporate social responsibility endeavour, were saved and there were zero deaths from drowning.

AIA Sri Lanka has been conducting an extensive safety programme for 22 consecutive years and the insurer’s endeavour to avert drowning incidents, takes protection and inculcating safety awareness to a higher level. The AIA Poson Safety programme extended from Dambulla, Polonnaruwa to Dimbulagala in addition to Anuradhapura.  

AIA’s comprehensive safety campaign includes communications over mass media supported by hoardings, banners and pennants in the sacred city to remind pilgrims to be cautious when bathing in the reservoirs.   

“This Poson, our safety initiative was more nationally relevant than ever before as the highest number of pilgrims was saved since our initiative commenced in 1993.  We are happy that we were able to prevent drowning fatalities by our concentrated effort to caution devotees via islandwide communications and deploying lifesavers to keep a vigilant eye on them while they bathed,” said AIA Insurance Head of Marketing Suren Perera.  

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