The Sri Lankan Story
Featuring Tania Van Heer
Australian Gold Medalist
Comments - 5
Comments - Sad I had to leave Sri Lanka
Ceylonese Monday, 17 July 2023 04:18 AM
I remember reading an article in the Sydney Morning Herald where she had mentioned that she was suffering from several stress fractures because she did not have good nourishment when she was growing up in Sri Lanka and even had to eat banana skin from the garbage bin.
M Fernando Monday, 31 July 2023 10:00 AM
What rubbish you dream up.. ! Please point out the article. SMH has a comprehensive archive so you should be able to prove your ludicrous claim.
Ceylonese Friday, 04 August 2023 09:06 AM
@M Fernando. I was a regular subscriber to the Sydney Morning Herald and was so shocked to read this article which was published in the late nineties when she was competing with athletes like Kathy Freeman , Nova Peris etc before the Sydney Olympics in year 2000. It was more than 20 years ago as such I cannot give the exact date the article was published. As I don''t keep any records you may contact the publishers of the Sydney Morning Herald in Australia to find out the facts.
Single Cell Thursday, 08 February 2024 02:08 AM
NZ citizen Sunday, 22 September 2024 11:45 AM
it was your choice, and yours alone! The regret is your personal thing too. Don't blame anything on others, PRIMA DONNA!
There are many others who went through everything that you did, but who didn't look for greener pastures
Suffer your own guilt, by yourself.
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